
cotton waste (揩擦機械用的)紗頭。

cotton weed

We agree with you that the colour of the lot under complaint is a bit darker than that of our previous shipments , but you must know that we sell our cotton waste according to our sales sample 李:我同意你的看法,這批貨的顏色是比上一批發灰暗一點,但是你應該知道我們是憑銷售貨樣成交廢棉的。

S : to avoid future unpleasantness on the question of shortage , may we suggest that that you sell the cotton waste on landed weight instead of shipping weight 史:為了避免以后在短重問題上發生不愉快的事情,我們建議你方出售廢棉要以到岸重量而不是以裝船重量為依據,成嗎?

To avoid future unpleasantness on the question of shortage , may we suggest that that you sell the cotton waste on landed weight instead of shipping weight 史:為了避免以后在短重問題上發生不愉快的事情,我們建議你方出售廢棉要以到岸重量而不是以裝船重量為依據,成嗎?

S : at present we ' re interested in your bleached cotton waste , type 33 and type 35 . could you make us firm offers on these two grades with shipment as early as possible 史:現在我們有意購買你們第33號及第35號漂白廢棉。你方能否開報這兩種等級的實盤呢?裝期越早越好。

No doubt you have received from our london office the outturn samples of the inferior quality cotton waste as well as well as our letters giving full details of this claim 毫無疑問,你們早已收到了我們倫敦公司內容詳細的索賠信件,也收到了質量低劣的廢棉到貨抽樣。

At present we ' re interested in your bleached cotton waste , type 33 and type 35 . could you make us firm offers on these two grades with shipment as early as possible 史:現在我們有意購買你們第33號及第35號漂白廢棉。你方能否開報這兩種等級的實盤呢?裝期越早越好。

I want to make use of my present visit to settle our claim on you for the 100 tons of bleached cotton waste , as per sales confirmation no . 1250e 我想趁這次來訪處理一下關于銷售確認書1250e號100噸漂白皮棉的索賠問題。

No spinning value cotton : mouldy cotton , water damaged cotton , oil stained cotton , burned cotton , cotton waste and linters , etc 無紡用價值棉花:霉變棉、水漬棉、油污棉、火燒棉、棉花廢料、棉短絨等。

We ' re very sorry to have cause to complain about the quality of the cotton waste you shipped to us by s / s “ mette skou “ 很抱歉,對由“麥脫司谷“輪發運的廢棉質量問題,我們向你們提出了申訴。

I want to settle our claim on you for the 100 tons of bleached cotton waste , as per sales confirmation no . 1254e 我們想處理一下關于銷售確認書第1254e號100噸漂白廢棉的索賠問題。

I want to settle our claim on you for the 100 tons of bleached cotton waste , as per sales confirmation no . 125ec 我們想處理一下關于銷售確認書第125ec號100噸漂白廢棉的索賠問題。

I want to settle our claim on you for the 100 to of bleached cotton waste , as per sales confirmation no . 1254e 我們想處理一下關于銷售確認書第1254e號100噸漂白廢棉的索賠問題。

Cotton waste : leftover and / or recycling waste left during the processing or use of the cotton 棉花廢料:加工或使用棉花過程中產生的下腳回收廢料等。